
How To Avoid Running Injuries

The online running course for runners who want to avoid injuries, so that they can run consistently, long-term, for improvement.


Press the button below to enrol on the How To Avoid Running Injuries course. There’s a nominal fee to deter robots so… Enter codeinjuryfree” above the checkout area to get the course for free.

How is it that some runners go for years without getting injured, but others get benched every six months?

When you get injured, it’s more than just annoying. Running is your life and if you can’t run, it affects you at a deep level. Your family and friends will certainly be steering clear of the grumpy person that is staring out of the window the whole time, wishing they were out there getting the miles in.

So pay attention. In this online running course you’ll learn how to approach your running to get it right, so that running becomes less risky, giving you a better chance of consistent progression, without interruption from running injuries. All from the comfort of your own home.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within 30 days of completing the course, we will refund your money 100%Refund policy

After you complete the course it would be great to get some feedback about ways to make the course even more useful for future students. Let’s help each other stay injury-free!


Can you watch a few videos and use the information to change your approach to running? If so, the How To Avoid Running Injuries course might be for you, but read on to decide for yourself.


Why do you want to learn how to avoid running injuries? Perhaps you have an important race coming up in six months time. Or perhaps you are fed up of having to stop running when injuries crop up. Or perhaps you are a new runner wanting to get it right from the start.


Our course teaches you tactics to avoid running injuries. Learn approaches to your running plan, how to think about your running, listening to your body, what you can do to minimise your risk outside of running in terms of diet, weight, strength, and more.


  • Knowledge
  • Video Tutorials, with high quality audio and visuals so they are a joy for your ears
  • Quizzes to check your understanding
  • Video Transcripts
  • Discussion Group


The course is 10 ordered lessons, with all lessons available from the start, so you can progress as quickly as you want.
The lessons are compact and packed with easy to digest info to help you.

What you say:

Enjoyable and very nice that this injury avoidance course was almost free. Thank you very much.

Student Jake

All very interesting and informative. Certainly one worth doing again. Very well written and I have learnt from completing it. Had to google DNF ! 🙂

Student Neil

Excellent course, it has increased my knowledge by a mile

Student Mohit

Excellent and very informative course and easy to understand! Karen (a senior)

Student Karen

How to avoid running injuries course on devices

How To Avoid Running Injuries - Course Content

You’ll see that this course is tuned to the specific information you need, so as not to overwhelm you. It is broken down into easy bite-size, but powerful steps, thoughtfully designed to teach complex concepts in a logical order, so it’s easy to grasp the information and remember what you learned.

An introduction to the course, plus how to use it and what to expect.

Looking at why gradual change will minimise your risk

Overtraining. Under Recovery. Same difference. Risky business.

Showing you how to increase your running in a safer way

If you are stronger, you’ll be less at risk

Looking at how runners can optimise weight to run more safely

Looking after your body when you’re not running

The #1 habit to get right.

How to listen to the feedback your body is giving you and adjust your plan accordingly, rather than blindly following what the plan says.

What about risks from stuff unrelated to running?

Your certificate, plus an invite to giveback to us in terms of feedback and suggestions.


  • Decent Wifi or 3G and above – the course contains video tutorials.
  • Discipline will help
  • A desire to get running!


Press the button below to enrol on the How To Avoid Running Injuries course. There’s a nominal fee to deter robots so… Enter codeinjuryfree” above the checkout area to get the course for free.

Your Instructor:

running coach chichester yateley

Hi! My name is Charles Rodmell – I’ve been running since the 70’s and I’m always excited to help people run better.

I’d had enough of seeing hundreds of local people struggling through or completely failing at running, with no real clue about running theory or what to do to progress their running.

So I have put together a variety of courses – what works and what doesn’t. You’ll learn how to get the right habits in place to help launch you on a long-term running journey of betterment and improvement.

I race for Chichester Runners in the UK and also run a lot of canicross with my Siberian Husky, Rocky. For those of you that love geeking out over stats, I recently achieved PBs in the 10K (35m21s) and Marathon (2h58m)

How To Avoid Running Injuries - Runningversity

Always getting injured? Or just wanting to not become a statistic? Check out this course on how to avoid running injuries, full of practical tips and tricks

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Runningversity

Course Provider URL: https://runningversity.com

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: PT3H

Course Type: Free

Course Currency: GBP

Editor's Rating:

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